
Wordle: Diane

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thing #19 - Web 2.0 Awards List

Wow!  There is a lot of cool stuff here!  I really enjoyed looking at the librarian stuff on PBworks.  There was actually a page for students called "Wiki Etiquette for Students."  That is definitely something we need to teach our students about.  Next I checked out Wikispaces.  From there I clicked under library resources and I found this neat site called Flash Card Maker.   I could really see myself using this or having the students create their own cards.  I also took a look at Writeboard.  I think one of the neat things it has to offer is that kids can actually compare two versions of the same paper that they have written. 

On the personal side I started playing around with Lulu.  I had fun with the books and calendars sections.  I already have a great idea for a special birthday present.

You can view the entire list at Web 2.0 Awards List.  Have fun!


  1. ...ditto on the Lulu. It looks like a bookaholic's delight!

  2. Wow, you found yourself several very useful things...the wiki thing I see me using too!
