
Wordle: Diane

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thing #22 - Nings

I wasn't real impressed with the social networking aspect of Nings, but I looked at some other items that I found to be useful. On Texas Librarian Thing I found this cute booktrailer for a Bluebonnet Book. I believe sharing booktrailers with our students would be very exciting. Eventually I would like to see the students at my school creating their own trailers.

Find more videos like this on TLNing

What about sharing contests with our students and then sharing their entries. This example is a first grade entry into a Storytube Contest.

Find more videos like this on TLNing

I believe our students would find it empowering to see what other children are out there creating.

When I checked out Texas School Librarian Ning, I found information that would be helpful to librarians as professionals. It offers articles on very relevant topics along with a chat board to ask questions and get answers from fellow librarians. Any time that necessary information is readily available - that's a good thing!

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